The Tools You Need
Even though 80% of family law cases involve people representing themselves, there are few to no comprehensive resources that teach you how to do it well.
Yet, your family and future are on the line.
If you're representing yourself, WWLS has everything you need to discover how to gather effective evidence, navigate the confusing court system, engage in settlement negotiations, and tell your story in a persuasive way the judge understands.
Case Strategy
Every case must have a strategy. We can help you get beyond the day-to-day drama to think long term and build the best case strategy for YOUR case.
Evidence Gathering
You know the truth, but can you demonstrate the truth to your ex or the court with FACTS and EVIDENCE? Will your key evidence be admissible? We'll show you how to gather, disclose and present evidence at trial.
Drafting Documents
Petitions, responses, motions, disclosure statements, pretrial statements ... the list goes on and on. We explain each document and how to draft effective court pleadings.
Negotiation Tools and Tactics
Most cases settle and they should! We will teach you negotiation tools and tactics to get the best possible settlement and avoid ever having to go to court.
Dealing with Lawyers
Is your ex represented while you're not? This can be scary and overwhelming, but don't worry. In fact, sometimes this can be an advantage to you in negotiations and at trial. We'll teach you how to negotiate and communicate with an opposing attorney, and how to prepare to face opposing counsel at trial.
Presenting Your Case
If your case proceeds to trial, you must learn key trial skills and understand the ins-and-outs of trial procedure. In WWLS, we'll teach you how to prepare for trial and how to effectively present your case, including how to ask questions, how to testify and the steps to take to get your most important documents admitted into evidence.