Dear Spouses & Parents Representing Themselves in Arizona's Family Courts,
If you're uncertain whether you can afford to hire a divorce or child custody lawyer and are considering or are already representing yourself in your divorce or child custody case, then this is the most important letter you will read today. We'll show you why in a minute.
But first ... a Disclaimer:
Divorce and child custody cases are really, really difficult -- emotionally, financially, legally.
It's difficult with a lawyer. It's even more difficult without a lawyer.
To have success representing yourself requires educating yourself about WHAT a reasonable outcome in your case looks like and HOW to achieve your desired, reasonable outcome.
This means you need to figure out 1) WHAT your desired outcome is, 2) if your desired outcome is realistic and reasonable, and 3) HOW to achieve your realistic and reasonable desired outcome.
We would like to teach you ways to create and achieve a fair and efficient divorce or child custody case experience. Understand, however, that because you are representing yourself, you are 100% responsible for all aspects of your case.
Self-representation requires hard work, dedication and the ability to put reason ahead of emotion.
We want to help those of you who are up to the challenge -- those spouses and parents who can't afford to hire a lawyer yet don't want to face the divorce or child custody process completely alone.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors ... including, but not limited to, the time and effort you dedicate to the process, your ability to be reasonable in the face of highly charged emotions and how difficult/easy your personal situation is.
If you are not willing to accept these realities, then please DO NOT JOIN our membership program.
With that said, let us share more information with you . . .